An apple a day keeps the doctor away

76, Opp. Mobil Filing station/F1, TOS Benson Rd, Ebute, Ikorodu, Lagos


Endometriosis Warning Signs

The initial signs of endometriosis are abnormally painful menstrual cramps that get worse over time. Endometriosis pain also can occur before you get your period or while having sex. However, while pain is the best-known symptom of endometriosis, you may not always recognize it.

Instead, other symptoms of endometriosis may present, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Urination that’s painful during your menstrual cycle
  • Bowel movements that are painful only during your period
  • Other gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, or nausea, especially during your period
  • Heavy or excessive bleeding during your period and breakthrough bleeding from your uterus between your menstrual cycles

Because so many different diagnoses may include pelvic pain as a symptom, endometriosis can be hard to differentiate initially from diagnoses such as pelvic inflammatory diseaseovarian cysts, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fetus begins to form outside of the womb. It’s a pregnancy that happens anywhere except inside the uterus where it’s supposed to happen. An ectopic pregnancy is life-threatening for the mother and cannot support the full-term growth of the baby.

Commonly, a fertilized egg travels to the womb, or uterus, through the fallopian tube. Sometimes, the egg becomes blocked for some reason and cannot continue along the path. Left untreated, the tissue that begins to grow from the egg can cause damage to surrounding organs, leaving you infertile. Any signs or symptoms may mean a severe illness or condition, and severe blood loss can lead to death. Early intervention is vital to prevent further damage. They should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by a physician for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.



Adenomyosis is a disease that can be difficult to diagnose. The only way for your NYC gynecologist Dr. Mariz to definitively tell if you have adenomyosis is after you have treated your symptoms with a hysterectomy. The specialist would examine the tissue under a microscope. However, treatment based on ultrasound images or suspicion is usually the best option.

Adenomyosis is a condition that causes the endometrial tissue lining of your uterus to grow into the muscular walls of your uterus. Once the endometrial tissue implants in the uterus muscle, the tissue continues to act as it always does, growing, thickening, breaking up, and bleeding out during your period.

Adenomyosis can be very painful when it causes your uterus to become enlarged. It creates heavy bleeding during your menstrual cycles.

Why It Happens

adenomyosis enlarged uterus treatmentThe cause of adenomyosis is unknown, but there are theories for this condition. It usually affects women later in life, before menopause, but after they’ve already had kids. It generally improves after you go through menopause because the hormones that cause menstruation are deficient.

Simple & Advanced Pap smear

Once you turn 21 or become sexually active, you should get regular Pap smear tests. The Pap Smear test is a routine part of a yearly gynecological exam, along with a breast exam, palpation of your abdomen, and a discussion with your gynecologist. Abnormal pap smears should always be evaluated with a thorough consultation and examination by a physician for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. It may be a sign of a serious illness or condition.

While performing a Pap smear, your gynecologist actually brushes cells from your cervix after inserting a speculum in your vagina. The tissue samples then are sent to a lab to be analyzed. Pap smears allow your doctor to track any changes in your cervix, which could be indicative of several things, including cancer.

The Pap smear results may contain any of the following:

  • Normal cells
  • Abnormal cells
  • Presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV)

Normal cells constitute a negative result. Abnormal cells, and even the presence of HPV, can tell your local gynecologist several different things. A Pap smear allows your doctor to catch conditions in a very early stage — before the development of cervical cancer. Luckily, this is a very slow-growing form of cancer, so it can take years before it becomes life-threatening.


Abnormal Uterine bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding is an increased or decreased vaginal bleeding compared to your regular periods, after menopause, or during pregnancy. Specifically, you shouldn’t be bleeding after period ends or spotting between periods, after sex, or after your cycles have ceased due to menopause.

It’s also abnormal to experience prolonged menstrual bleeding or bleeding more heavily than usual during your regular menstrual cycle. Heavy uterine bleeding (HUB) can often lead to low blood counts requiring blood transfusions or iron infusions. You should contact your gynecologist for an appointment in any of these cases.

Endometrial biopsy is Key

Endometrial biopsy involves taking a sample from the uterus to make diagnosis of the uterine conditions

Conditions that may require that you undergo a biopsy to find a cause of your symptoms include:

  • Bleeding that occurs after you’ve stopped menstruating due to menopause
  • Discovery of a thickened uterine wall following an ultrasound
  • Excessive bleeding while taking fertility drugs
  • Menstrual periods include an abnormally strong blood flow, such as bleeding that lasts too long, is heavier than usual, or is continuously irregular.
  • Check for endometrial cancer.